Spring 2024 Speaker Series
Are you looking for the Spring 2023 Conference instead?
March & April 2024
The 28th annual spring conference is set to unfold through a series of five presentations given throughout the months of March and April. In response to attendee feedback, we've opted to maintain the online conference format, offering participants the chance to experience a series of 1-hour presentations spread across a couple of months, as opposed to condensing everything into a single day. Additionally, these presentations will be recorded providing members with the convenience to revisit and engage with the content at their leisure throughout the entire year.
This Spring Speaker Series is included in the price of our yearly membership and is free to current members of CMC3. To access the Zoom link to the speaker series, we ask that you please register for each talk using the Google forms below.
If you are unsure of whether your membership is current, please contact the membership chair for membership status. If you would like to become a member of CMC3, please sign-up.
Conference Registration
To enhance your experience, we kindly request your participation in each talk by completing the registration process through our designated Google Form. Attendees will receive the Zoom link and password for the presentation 1-2 days before each scheduled talk. The link and password will be sent to the email you input into your Google form.
- Series Session 1 Sign-Up: Friday, March 1 (3-4PM) - Self Reference in the Foundation of Mathematics & Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
- Series Session 2 Sign-Up: Wednesday, March 13 (2-3PM) - Homework for Your OER Course
- Series Session 3 Sign-Up: Wednesday, April 3 (5-6PM) - Talking Math with Executive Vice Chancellor, Dr. Aisha Lowe
- Series Session 4 Sign-Up: Wednesday, April 17 (4-5PM) - A.I. Supporting Math Classes for Learning, Not Cheating!
- Series Session 5 Sign-Up: Saturday, April 27 (10-11AM) - Student Speaker Presentation and Student Scholarship Awards Ceremony
Session 1: Self Reference in the Foundation of Mathematics & Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
Tim Melvin
Friday, March 1, 2024, 3-4 pm
In 1931 Kurt Gödel shocked the math community
by showing that truth and proof are not the same, at least in many formal
systems of arithmetic, in his Incompleteness Theorems. During this talk we
will cover some of the history of formalism in mathematics that led to
Gödel's results and how Gödel was able to use self-reference
in formal systems of arithmetic to create statements that are true but not
provable within the system.

Tim is from San Jose, but he much prefers living in the north Bay where he's been teaching at Santa Rosa Junior College since 2014. He loves teaching all math, but his favorites are linear algebra, discrete math, introduction to proof, and calculus 3. Besides studying the foundations of math in his spare time, he enjoys playing racquetball and tennis, reading a good novel, playing video games, and enjoying a meal or beer with friends.
Session 2: Homework For Your OER Course
David Lippman
Wed, March 13, 2024, 2-3 pm
Are you interested in moving your courses to use
free OER text resources, but don't want to have to do a lot of work, and
don't want to give up online homework? This session will provide an
overview of MyOpenMath, a free homework platform supporting the use of
open textbooks. It has pre-built courses aligned with popular OER texts,
created and shared by fellow instructors, providing a quick way to get
started with minimal effort. The presenter will provide an overview of what
the system can do, show examples of some of the pre-built courses, and give
an idea how it can be used in both on-campus and online courses.

David Lippman has been teaching math at Pierce College Fort Steilacoom in Lakewood, Washington since 2000. David has been at the forefront of creating and promoting open resources in the mathematics world since 2005, including creating MyOpenMath (a free web-based mathematics assessment and course management platform) and several open textbooks, serving as lead developer and system administrator, as well as board president.
Session 3:
Talking Math with Executive Vice Chancellor
Aisha Lowe
Wednesday, April 3, 2024, 5-6 pm
Join us for a collaborative Q&A session, where
Executive Vice Chancellor, Dr. Aisha Lowe and CMC3 President, Cortney
Schultz engage in conversation about topics related to teaching math at the
community college level, including but not limited to data collection at the
college and state-wide levels and clarifications related to AB 1705.
This curated Q&A is an exclusive opportunity for members of CMC3 to
interact directly with a key decision-maker in the California Community
Colleges Chancellor's Office. Attendees will have the chance to
pose questions to Dr. Aisha Lowe before the presentation using this form.
Whether you are a mathematics enthusiast, an academic professional, or
someone curious about the intersection of mathematics and higher education,
this event promises to be an enriching experience. We look forward to your
participation in this Q&A session.

Dr. Aisha Lowe joined the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office in 2020 and now serves as the Executive Vice Chancellor of the Office of Equitable Student Learning, Experience, and Impact (ESLEI). In this leadership position, Dr. Lowe leads Academic Affairs, Student Services, and Workforce & Economic Development, overseeing over $3 billion in funding and numerous statewide programs and initiatives. Aisha began her time at the Chancellor's Office as Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Supports where she provided leadership for the Academic Affairs unit. Prior to joining the Chancellor's Office, Dr. Lowe served as Associate Professor of Education and Dean of the Office of Academic Research at William Jessup University. Additionally, Aisha served as an adjunct professor in the Los Rios Community College District, at Sierra College and at CSU Sacramento. Dr. Lowe received her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Master's in Sociology, and Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Stanford University.
Session 4: A.I. Supporting Math Classes for Learning, Not Cheating!
Barbara Illowsky
Peter Relan
Wed, April 17, 2024, 4-5 pm
We've all read about how AI is used by students for cheating. But how
about how students can utilize AI for learning? It’s true! AI can assist
students in learning content without the cheating aspect. Come and learn for
yourself… and maybe participate in a Spring paid pilot in College
Algebra, Precalculus, or Calculus 1 on how to assist your students with
MathGPT. This presentation is a review and continuation of Barbara and
Peter's break-out session at the Fall 2023 Monterey conference.

Dr. Barbara Illowsky is a past president of CMC3. She retired from
Foothill-De Anza CCD after serving there for over 30 years. During that
time, she co-authored Introductory Statistics and Introductory Business
Statistics, both published by OpenStax. She served at the state
Chancellor's Office for two years, overseeing the Basic Skills
Initiative and Dual Enrollment programs. She also was the Chief Academic
Officer for the Online Ed Initiative. Barbara has been on several local,
national, and international boards of directors. Now that she is retired,
she consults on projects that she finds innovative and exciting in Open
Educational Resources and AB 705/1705 co-requisite support programs.
Peter Relan is the Founder of YouWeb Incubator and has been involved in leveraging mobile, social, and now, AI, as inflection points that can bring new technologies that dramatically increase human productivity or communication. Many of the companies that he has helped create at his incubator have gone on to become well-known in gaming (CrowdStar now part of EA), ed-tech Epic! (Reading library for K-5), and social platforms (Discord). He has been covered on NPR, CNBC, Bloomberg, WSJ, and numerous media publications. Peter serves on the boards of technology companies and the Institute of Carbon Management at his Alma mater UCLA. He completed his graduate work at Stanford as a Hewlett Packard Resident Fellow.
Session 5: Student Speaker Presentation and Student Scholarship Awards Ceremony
Sat, Apr 27, 2024, 10-11 am
The CMC3 Foundation awards an average of $6,000 a year in
scholarships every year to students attending Northern California
community colleges. Do you have a student you would like to nominate for a
How to nominate a student.
Each spring the CMC3 Foundation honors one full time California community
college student who has investigated a topic or application in mathematics.
The selected student gives a 20-minute presentation on their work during
the Spring Speaker Series. That student also receives a $500
scholarship, made possible by generous donations from our members.
How to submit a student speaker proposal.
Future CMC3 Conferences
Information about future conferences is available. For additional conference information, contact the Conference Chair. For registration information contact the Membership Chair