2021 Fall Conference, Dec 10-11, 2021
While it was true the COVID 19 pandemic was winding down, due to an excess of caution the 49th Annual Fall Conference was being held virtually via Zoom. The Fall 2021 CMC3 Conference took place on Friday, Friday, December 10, 2021 from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm and Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 9:30 am to 2:15 pm. It followed the same format that was used for the previous virtual conference.
Conference Happy Hours!

Socializing with peers before, during, and after the conference, has always been an important and pleasant part of conference attendence. The pandemic and the resulting move to remote conferences has made it even more important to find ways to connect with colleagues and coworkers. As was done last year, we held a couple of remote happy hours during the conference.
This conference, our partner was Rapscallion Spirits, of Ukiah. They are provided us with a pair of drink recipes, and a nice sampler of their spirits that could be purchased and used in the conference cocktails, as well as enjoyed during the upcoming holidays.
On Friday night, we featured a Agave Old Fashioned, and on Saturday at lunch, we enjoyed a Hot Buttered Toddy. Be sure to make the Hot Buttered Toddy Batter ahead of time!
Student Presentations
CMC3 invited students to submit video presentations for our student presentation contest at our Fall Conference. We encourage all types of presentations that present some aspect of mathematics (math history, math education, problem solving, mathematical modeling, algebra, calculus, topology, statistics, etc).
Presentations were judged in the week leading up to the conference, and the winners were each awarded $500 scholarships.
The winners of the this fall's Student Presentation Contest were Lil Cabrera and Olga Anorov, of City College of San Francisco. The title of their presentation was Creating Playlists Using k-NN Classification and they were mentored by Shawn Wiggins. They each received a $500 scholarship.
CMC3 Foundation Legacy Donor Award
The 2021 Foundation Legacy Donor Award was awarded to Wade Ellis of West Valley College.
CMC3 President’s Award
The 2021 President’s Award was awarded to Jay Lehmann of College of San Mateo.
CMC3 Distinguished Service Award
The 2021 Distinguished Service Award was awarded to Gregory Daubenmire of Las Positas College.
CMC3 Teaching Excellence Awards
The 2021 Teaching Excellence Awards were awarded to Lisa Mesh (De Anza College), Brad Krein (Cabrillo College), Shawn Wiggins (City College of San Francisco), Jackson Hsu (Monterey Peninsula College), Julie Walters (Diablo Valley College), Maria Coulson (College of Marin), Seth Lavender (Las Positas College), John Blakely (College of the Sequoias), and Mukta Sharma (Yuba College).
Friday Keynote Speaker: Beth Chance
Incorporating "Social Justice" and Multivariable Thinking Topics in Introductory Statistics Courses
Building on recent innovations in using technology in statistics classrooms, this presentation will explore new opportunities for bringing "new contexts" (e.g. income inequality, immigration patters) into introductory statistics college classrooms to engage students with actual data and multivariable thinking.

Beth Chance is an internationally renowned statistics educator, researcher, and author. She has been teaching statistics in mathematics and statistics departments for 25 years. Beth has been involved in curriculum development, textbook writing, teacher professional development, pedagogical research, and applet design. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and winner of the Waller Education Award for excellence in the teaching of undergraduate statistics.
Schedule Friday, December 10
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Presider: Jennifer Carlin-Goldberg, Santa Rosa Junior College
5:00 - 6:00 pm
Room 1: Redefining Rigor in Math: Become a Warm Demander Online
Speaker: Michelle Pacansky-Brock, CVC-OEI@ONE
Presentation (PDF)
Room 2: Grade for Equity as a College Math Instructor
Speaker: Jeff Anderson, Foothill College
Presentation (PDF)
Questionaire (PDF)
Recording of Talk (YouTube)
Room 3: Triangles: Springboards to Linear Functions
Speaker: Perri Gellman, Palomar College
Presentation (PDF)
Room 4: Redefine the Textbook with Multimedia, Visualizations, and Games
Speaker: Larry Green, Lake Tahoe Community College
6:00 - 6:30 pm
Presider: Katia Fuchs, City College of San Francisco
Cocktail Recipes
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Incorporating "Social Justice" and Multivariable Thinking Topics in Introductory Statistics Courses
Speaker: Beth Chance, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Presentation (Powerpoint)
Schedule Saturday, December 11
9:15 - 9:30 am
Presider: Jennifer Carlin-Goldberg, Santa Rosa Junior College
9:30 - 10:30 am
Room 1: Corequisite Design that Supports Strong and Equitable Completion of Transfer-Level Math
Speaker: Tammi Marshall, Cuyamaca College
Presentation (PDF)
Room 2: Classroom Structures that Promote Equity
Speaker: Hal Huntsman, Antelope Valley College
Presentation (PDF)
Room 3: How to Deter/Detect Cheating and Insprire Learning in the Age of Zoom
Speaker: Jay Lehmann, College of San Mateo
Room 4: A FREE Corequisite College-Ready Math System - The Consortium Grows!
Speaker: Barbara Illowsky, De Anza College & Richard Rasiej, Santa Monica
Presentation (PDF)
10:30 - 11:00 am
Presider: Katia Fuchs, City College of San Francisco
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Room 1: Promoting Student Engagement in Introductory Statistics Using Socially Relevant and Real Data
Speaker: Kathy Kubo, College of the Canyons
Presentation (PDF)
Room 2: Creating an All-Inclusive, Equity-Minded, Active Learning Classroom in Mathematics
Speaker: Dr. Sophia Lee, Citrus College
Room 3: Maximizing Gateway Math Throughput for Students Who Did Not Complete Algebra 2 in High School
Speaker: Craig Hayward, Bakersfield College & Terrence Willett, Cabrillo College
Room 4: Teaching Introductory Data Science
Speakers: Katia Fuchs, City College of San Francisco, Eric Van Dusen, UC Berkeley
12:00 - 12:30 pm
Presider: Chantal Cimmiyotti, Mendocino College
Cocktail Recipes
12:30 - 1:00 pm
Presider: Jennifer Carling-Goldberg
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Title: AB 705: Is it Working?
Speaker: Myra Snell, Los Medanos College
Presentation (Powerpoint)
2:00 - 2:15 pm
Presider: Katia Fuchs, City College of San Francisco
Future CMC3 Conferences
Information about future conferences is available.