Join CMC3
CMC3 provides opportunities for you to become a more active part of the community of Northern California community college mathematics faculty through our two annual conferences in Monterey and Lake Tahoe, and our thrice yearly newsletter. If you become a member you also become eligible to nominate students from your college for an annual scholarship worth up to $3000, attend our conferences, network with other community college math instructors in California, and help to make policy on mathematics eduation in California.
To join CMC3, just fill out the membership form, which is available both as a Word document and as a PDF document, and send it with the required membership fee to the CMC3 membership chair,
5561 39th Ave
Sacramento, CA 95824
You may also join when you register for either of our conferences. If you have any questions about CMC3 membership, please contact the CMC3 Membership Chair.